Over the coming three years, we want to focus on the things that matter most to our community, and provide services and supports that are tailored directly to the needs of those who engage with Macro Community Resource Centre. To do this, we need to hear from you about what you would like to see from Macro Centre going forward, what you think we are doing well and what you would like to see improved.
To help us compile our Strategic Plan 2022-24, follow this link to complete a short online survey https://forms.gle/XFRzcqrkzJyY4TxT7. All information collected will only be used for the purposes of planning our services for the next three years, will not be passed to any third party, will be stored in a locked office, will only accessed by staff and committee members involved in the strategic planning process and will be destroyed once the planning process is complete. Your name, if provided, or any personal details will not be used anywhere during the planning process or final planning document without your express permission. If you want to withdraw your participation, just email aileen@macrobuilding.ie at any time or tell a member of staff.
Our Strategic Plan 2022-2024 will be available on this page in early 2022. It will form the foundations of our plans to develop the Macro Community Resource and make it a hub of support for the community.