The safety and well being of staff, centre users and visitors is of paramount importance to us, and we are working hard to ensure that we are up to date with the latest measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Before your visit, please read the outline below of the measures we have in place.

  • Face Coverings

    The use of face coverings is mandatory in all common areas inside the building. Staff reserve the right to ask anyone who is not wearing a suitable face covering to leave the building. Masks can be purchased at reception at a cost of 50c.

    Masks should be changed every 2 hours or if wet, and must be disposed of in bins provided in the bathrooms. More information on the use of face coverings can be found here.

  • Symptoms of Covid-19

    Know the symptoms of Covid-19 and do not enter the building if you are unwell.

    Most common symptoms: fever/cough/tiredness/loss of taste or smell Less common symptoms: sore throat/headache aches and pains/ diarrhoea/ a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes/red or irritated eyes. More information can be found here.

    Isolation procedures can be found here.

  • Social Distancing

    You must maintain a distance of 2 metres from other people at all times while using the building,

    Training and meeting rooms are set up to ensure that individuals maintain the appropriate distance while using the rooms. Centre users must not rearrange the layout of rooms without consulting with facilities staff.

  • Contact Tracing

    We are carrying out contact tracing of all centre users as per Government guidelines.

    One time users names and numbers will be maintained for a maximum of 2 weeks then deleted. Repeat centre users numbers will be maintained for as long as they use the centre.

  • Hygiene Measures

    We have implemented a number of additional hygiene measures to help prevent the spread of the virus, including disinfecting of all surfaces, door handles and high traffic areas twice daily.

    Centre users and vistors must also adhere to handwashing guidelines, which can be found here .

  • Communication

    We are committed to updating our measures in line with current Government advice, and strive to keep centre users informed of the latest measures in place to keep them safe.

    If you have any questions or worries ahead of your visit, please email